


What is Iridology?

Iridology is the study of the links between health and the patterns, colors and textures of the iris. The eye truly is a window to the soul. Accurate analysis of iris structure and pigmentation provides valuable information that is difficult to find through other methods. The information provided is so valuable that iridology deserves to become a widely practiced assessment tool in both the physical and psychological health fields. There are many factors that influence our health and personality. Many of these factors are reflected in the iris. 

What is Kinesiology?

Kinesiology is using the strength or weakness muscles of the body to determine which suggested nutrients or services would be most beneficial in improving or maintaining the health of the body. Many refer to the process as muscle testing.

Meet the Team

Miles has studied and practiced Iridology & Kinesiology since 1991. He has helped thousands of people improve and maintain their health over the last 30+ years.


  • Iridology saved my life!

    Miles Anderson, The Eye Guy, knows what your body needs. I was a zombie, life was happening around me but I couldn’t join in. I went to a Dr, had tests run and was told I was “in range” and “normal”, go home and take a nap. So frustrating!

    Miles listened to me and what my eyes were telling him. I have been a patient of his for 12 years, and through natural herbs, education, and honest counseling Miles has helped me live again. His expertise is priceless!

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    Kristin Behrend
  • We have been going to Miles for 20 plus years and feel like he is the reason we continue to be as healthy as we are.

    He really helped us through the Covid struggle. When the pandemic hit Idaho, he started to give us vitamins that would help build our immune system. Hopefully we wouldn't get it, but if we did then it would help us get over it quicker and also it would not be severe as a lot of cases we knew of. Well we did get it. One of us had a head cold and the other one of us had body aches. We were two of the lucky ones!

    We are grateful for his knowledge and willingness to keep us healthy.  We would recommend anyone to visit The Eye Guy!!

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    Janice Sharp
  • Several years ago, 27 to be exact, I was very ill and had been referred to several doctors, including  family physicians, gastroenterologists, urologists, nerve specialists, and hepatologists both in my home area and in Salt Lake City.  After undergoing many tests, two bladder surgeries, more tests, colonoscopies, MRI’s , and whatever else seemed appropriate to whoever I was seeing, I was literally told that I should basically go home, enjoy my life best I could because no one seemed to know what my issue was nor how to help it and I probably had much less than a year to live.

    I went home knowing that I was going to die because I was very ill, I couldn’t keep any food in my system, my bladder was no better off than before I had the two surgeries, I had no energy, I had lost a great deal of weight and I frankly looked like hell. I was 53 years old at the time, looked much older and certainly felt worse for wear. 

    A friend had heard about a Randy Anderson who was an iridologist and was very good. I did not believe in alternative medicine and declined to go until I knew my time was short and what did I have to lose. I called for an appointment with Randy. In our conversation she mentioned that her son Miles Anderson had started his business of iridology, she had a busy schedule but felt that I would relate well to Miles.

    I still waited, alternative medicine was a myth, I didn’t believe in it, didn’t want anything to do with it, I was just ill and nothing could be done. After being pressured by my friend that I had nothing to lose, I made the appointment with Miles.

    My back hurt so bad and I was so miserable when I went into his office, and so I didn’t want to be there. I did not sit in a chair while I waited for him because I was not going to give him any indication that my back hurt or what was wrong. Also, when his receptionist handed me the usual form to fill out, I put my name only, not wanting to give him any indication of my problems. He would have to find them out for himself.

    Find out he did. He looked into my eyes and made several comments that totally threw me off guard. Did I know I had major bladder issues? Well yes, I did, but how did he know? Did I know I had a tumor on my liver? Well yes, I did, but how did he know? Did I know that I was filled with anger? Oh yes, I did, and everyone I knew did, but how did he? He went on and on and I was in a total state of shock, still trying not to believe he knew. When I inquired how he knew all this, he simply and very kindly said “I can see it in your eyes.”

    He started me on a regimen of herbs, explaining that we needed to work things out in layers, that I would not be healed quickly. But once one layer was solved, others would arise until we got to the root of the problem, which turned out to be many problems. I would like to mention here that this is not a quick fix. Herbs work much slower than synthetic medicines, but with more effectiveness, more permanently and with no side effects.

    I very hesitantly made more appointments, still not totally believing, but never missing one of the appointments. Miles works with the whole body and mind, not just a specialized area which entails you going to someone else to start over. 

    Over the years, he has been able to read me as soon as I walk into his office. He has, at times, told me things I didn’t want to hear or believe about myself and what I needed to change. There have also been times when I walked out saying I didn’t believe something and I wasn’t coming back. One of those times he told me that something had happened in my childhood to cause some issue. I literally had a fall apart, told him he did not know anything, I would not be back and I left. It was only a few days later at a family gathering a strange conversation arose giving me some insight into my childhood that I had not known before. I was so shocked, I went directly to the telephone, called Miles and told him I was so so sorry for my behavior, I had no idea this had happened, and I wanted to be his patient again. He kindly accepted my apology, we discussed the issue at my next appointment and since that day I have never walked out on him again even if he did tell me about my stubbornness, impatience, my lack of drinking enough water, etc. etc. He has always been right.

    I did develop breast cancer, had surgery, radiation, etc. Miles gave me an herb to help with the after effects. My Oncologist at every appointment said “I don’t know what you are doing, but keep doing it because you have recovered so much faster and are so much better off than most of my patients”.

    Because of my success with Miles, there are several of my family members that are now avid Miles patients. They have experienced as much help with their medical, physical and emotional health as I have. I, along with those family members would recommend Miles to anyone who has health issues. I can honestly say that Miles Anderson and his gift of healing gave me an extra 26 years of life. Thanks Miles.

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    Marilyn Wasden
  • Miles is absolutely amazing! After seeing him for 8 years he’s practically become part of our family. We first went to him with infertility issues that 6 doctors couldn’t figure out because everything was “fine.” Our first appointment he found the problem and 2 appointments later I was beyond thrilled to report we were finally expecting. He’s helped us get 3 babies safely here! He’s found the root cause of my sons addhd tendencies, food sensitivities, and awful mood swings. I could go on and on with all of the things that he has helped us with. One of my favorite things is that he finds the root cause instead of just treating the symptoms with a bandaid. He has treated us as well as both of our parents and other family members. We will be patients of his forever. I am always amazed at the things he knows and can do. I think everyone with any problem should see him.  I have nothing but incredible things to say about him and his staff.

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    Shaunie Oliver
  • Miles is wonderful!! I’ve been seeing Miles over 15+ years, he has helped me with so many different health issues. He is very professional and cares about everyone. Miles has a great staff. Thanks to all of you.

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    Becky Armstrong
  • My first pregnancy ended in a miscarriage. I had lab work done and it showed an imbalance of hormones. After working closely with Miles using sasparilla, red Raspberry and other herbs over the course of a year, I was much better and able to get pregnant with my first child. Three years later I went through a similar imbalance. Working with Miles again to balance my body, I conceived and gave birth to my second child. I am so grateful for the help Miles was able to give me and for my two beautiful children.

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    Rosemary Torres
  • For fourteen years I have had regularly scheduled monthly appointments with “The Eye Guy”.  Over time these appointments have transformed my mental and physical health.  I have been taught how to care for my body mentally and physically in a natural way. My body has healed instead of simply been “band-aided”.  My children see “The Eye Guy” when needed.  When they start feeling a little “off” they always ask me when the next appointment is.  Miles’ extensive knowledge of human anatomy, hormone function, mental health in relation to what is going on inside and outside of the body, his knowledge of herbs and their role in healing the body, and his commitment to his clients and their overall health has kept me coming back for years.  Impressively, Miles has also recommended medical tests and appointments with western medical professionals when deemed necessary from time to time. He does not pretend to “know it all” and THAT is why I trust him implicitly.  Natural medicine is not a quick fix nor is it easy.  It takes consistency and dedication, but for me it has been worth every effort. My results through seeing “The Eye Guy” have been life changing!

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    Julie Beck
  • I have been going to Miles for about 17 years. Why have I been seeing him so many years? Because he helps me. He treats me for the health issues I have that is most important. The muscle testing is very helpful to know which supplements my body needs at the time.

    Miles is a caring guy and a friend. He listens to my issues and finds what my problems are. He is very knowledgeable, kind, and truly cares. He has charts, books, etc. which he uses to help me understand.

    I consider myself to be a lucky person to receive the knowledge and help I get from Miles and if needed I can go to a medical doctor for other issues.

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    Leola Barnhill
  • Miles is fantastic. I've been going to him for 15+ years and have had more luck working with him with health issues than I have with any other health professional. He is so kind and understanding and super knowledgeable about the human body and how it works. I would recommend him 100% to anyone.

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    Katie Semrad

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