What is Iridology?

The study of the links between health and the patterns, colors and textures of the iris.

What is Kinesiology?

Kinesiology is using the strength or weakness muscles of the body to determine which suggested nutrients or services would be most beneficial in improving or maintaining the health of the body. Many refer to the process as muscle testing.

What happens during an appointment?

When you come into the office, you’ll be greeted by Britni, our receptionist. She will complete a bio-survey using a device that will ask your body questions and records the responses it receives. She will also take pictures of your eyes. She will save the report and eye pictures for Miles. When you are with Miles, he’ll review the pictures of your eyes and the report with you. He will use his knowledge of iridology and kinesiology to determine the best course to take to optimize your health and wellness.

What products does Miles recommend?

Miles recommends products from several different sources. Nature’s Sunshine has been his main source of supplements. But, over the years he has added Beverly International, Q-Sciences, Rhea’s, Urban Ice and Inspired Nutrition. Nature’s Sunshine focus on quality is what attracted him to that brand and has kept him coming back. He uses the same strict quality standards when choosing other vendors as well.

Why should someone choose iridology to solve their health problems rather than traditional medicine?

Miles’ original desire was to help people prevent illness by maintaining their good health. Then, through years of experience, he’s worked with both prevention and natural solutions for more serious issues for which no other treatment was successful.

What makes The Eye Guy so unique and different from other clinics that do similar things nationwide?

We combine nutrition, iridology and applied kinesiology to create positive results with his clients. We are embracing new technologies that will give us more information about our client’s health and wellness and will allow us to offer our services to more people.

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