Ionic Foot Bath
The detox foot bath is a device that can enhance any detox program. The organs responsible for ridding your body of wastes are over-stressed with environmental toxins. When these organs are stressed, processing other toxins may be delayed. By supplementing with a detox foot bath, you can assist your body’s organs by neutralizing stored toxins, acids and metals and cleansing them from your body. The organs are then free to function as they were intended.
The important point to remember about ionic detoxification is that it helps the body to free up its red-blood cells to do their job better–thus allowing for normal detoxification to occur by freeing up the body’s transport mechanism. Getting oxygen into the cells and getting carbon dioxide and toxins out is the goal of freeing up red blood cells to function better. Interestingly, the majority of detoxification after a detox session occurs over the next 24 hours in the liver, kidneys and skin/sweat. The color of the water during, or after the ionic footbath is less important than the affect the session has on freeing up red-blood cells to do their job.
How does the foot bath directly assist the body in detoxification?
During the detox foot bath session, large concentrations of negative hydrogen ions are released during the process of electrolysis. Negative hydrogen ions act as “free radical hunters,” helping to prevent cell and tissue damage that could lead to cellular damage and disease. With the Foot Bath, these ions are absorbed into the body by osmosis through the epidermis of the foot and travel through the body attaching themselves to a multitude of toxic substances, they act as an ultra-high-powered antioxidant, and thereby, neutralize their positive or negative charge. Once the free radical is neutralized, it can be removed from the body and is extracted into the water.

What can a foot detox bath help with?
- Joint Pain, Arthritis
- Chronic Fatigue
- Foggy Brain, Poor Concentration
- Sleeplessness
- Poor Circulation
- Heavy Metal Toxicity
- Allergies
- Eczema, Psoriasis
- Parasites
- Candida
- Obesity
- Hormonal Imbalance
- Low Sex Drive
- Weak Immune System
- Cellular Acidosis (Ph is too high)
- A more balanced pH level
- Reducing inflammation
- Purging of yeast
- Detoxifying the liver
- Liver, kidney, and parasite cleansing
- Enhancing the immune system
You cannot have a foot detox bath if you:
- Are Pregnant or Breastfeeding
- Have a Pacemaker or Electrical Device
- Have seizures