

Iridology is the scientific study of the iris – the colored part of the eye. The iris reveals physiological conditions, psychological health risks, challenges and/or strengths of various organs and personality traits. Iridology helps us get an understanding of your past, present and potential future health conditions by assessing the condition of the various systems in your body. It also reveals your genetic predispositions and toxic accumulations in the various parts of your body.


Kinesiology is using the strength or weakness muscles of the body to determine which suggested nutrients or services would be most beneficial in improving or maintaining the health of the body. Many refer to the process as muscle testing.

Zyto Scanning

Using the ZYTO scan regularly can save you money. By focusing on specific supplements or oils that the body responded to strongly, we can eliminate the guesswork and costs associated with buying various products and waiting to see if they work or not. This is another point that illustrates the value of the technology.

We highly recommend adding a scan onto any service you receive from our office.

Foot Zoning

The knowledge of the reflexes on the feet and other extremities have been around for thousands of years. It has been used in many different societies, civilizations and countries in various different ways. Some of the earliest documentations date back to early BC. In more modern terminology, we might explain the foot zone as likening the body to a computer and the feet are like the keyboard. When we access the feet, we are accessing the body.

Ionic Foot Bath

The detox foot bath is a device that can enhance any detox program.  The organs responsible for ridding your body of wastes are over-stressed with environmental toxins.  When these organs are stressed, processing other toxins may be delayed.  By supplementing with a detox foot bath, you can assist your body’s organs by neutralizing stored toxins, acids and metals and cleansing them from your body.  The organs are then free to function as they were intended. 

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